On Thursday June 20th 2019, three members of CASARA Edenvale assisted the SAR Techs in their training.
After several passes of the Herc, two jumpers launched, landing right on the mark they had thrown out on an earlier low pass. The two ParaRescue SAR Techs quickly gathered their gear and started to search for the two injured people (Sion & Jack).
After the exercise was finished, the SAR Techs packed up their parachutes and medical kits, throwing everything into the back of Sion’s truck.
I drove them to Simcoe Regional Airport where the Herc had landed to wait for us.
The original plan was that the Herc was going to keep its engines running, while the two techs loaded their gear and climbed into the back of the plane. Then they were going to be taking off immediately to meet up with the Coast Guard on Georgian Bay for a second practice.
Due to low ceilings, their departure was delayed, allowing time for us to get a tour of the Herc and talk with the crew. We all stayed for lunch and then after the Herc crew briefed their next mission, we all said our goodbyes. We returned home, the Herc departed for Parry Sound.
[envira-gallery slug=”pararescue-sar-tech-and-casara-edenvale”]
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